Masquerading as Me

This is my roleplay blog. I've been gaming since I started University, which was in 1981. Back then there was pretty much nothing else to play but AD&D, so that's what I started with. I'm also a live roleplayer and sometimes I do re-enactment as well.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Very Sad Announcement

It is with much sorrow that I have to report the death of one of the players of Shadows. The player made many important contributions to the game and it will be very hard continuing without him by my side at the table; he was my partner and friend. The character, Michael, will continue to exist in our game; we do this in the player's honour and because Michael is a crucial and integral part of the game, the party and the world of Shadows. Rest easy, my dear Adacanthian.


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