Masquerading as Me

This is my roleplay blog. I've been gaming since I started University, which was in 1981. Back then there was pretty much nothing else to play but AD&D, so that's what I started with. I'm also a live roleplayer and sometimes I do re-enactment as well.

Friday, April 04, 2008

New Character Emerges

I'm hoping to play my new Camarilla character this month. She isn't really solid in my head yet, so it will be a bit of a struggle for me.

I'm bringing her out now because she is a rare bloodline and someone else is wanting to play the bloodline and may need my help / support.

I'm looking forward to presenting her, but still trying to get into my head how she might speak, move and behave in the company of much more 'modern' Kindred.

I'll try and remember to let you know how I get on.


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