Masquerading as Me

This is my roleplay blog. I've been gaming since I started University, which was in 1981. Back then there was pretty much nothing else to play but AD&D, so that's what I started with. I'm also a live roleplayer and sometimes I do re-enactment as well.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Retiring a Character and Leaving a Game

I'm considering retiring my WFRP character and leaving that game. Mostly it's a financial decision. The game is costing me too much. I only pay £2 to play, but on top of that I have to buy a meal and pay transportation costs. That £2 quickly racks up to £10, and that's weekly. Sadly £40 a month is too big a chunk of cash for me to spend on hobbies.

I've been thinking about this for a while now, and told myself I'd keep playing until such time as my present character died. Carter hasn't died, but I feel she has now become unplayable. Last game she lost her weapon arm, gained her second insanity and got raped by beastmen. Time for her to find some quiet corner of Altdorf to die in, methinks.

I've really been enjoying the WFRP game, it's been a nice change of pace from playing Shadows, and if I could afford it the decision to quit would be a lot harder. So, my thanks to the GM concerned and fond farewells to the other players.


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