Masquerading as Me

This is my roleplay blog. I've been gaming since I started University, which was in 1981. Back then there was pretty much nothing else to play but AD&D, so that's what I started with. I'm also a live roleplayer and sometimes I do re-enactment as well.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

You Tube Rocks - #3 Ianto is white and nerdy

This completely slew me when I first saw and heard it. Love it.

You Tube Rocks - #2 Ianto wants to be James Bond !

Another favourite of mine that makes me smile.

You Tube Rocks #1 - Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy Ianto

Okay, sometimes you need to have some fun to alleviate the gloom of existence. I do anyway. These make me grin ear to ear every time.