New Chronicle, New Character
The Isles of Darkness are currently in 'Reset', and my home game is forging a path for others by play-testing the new system. Consequently I have a brand new character! Yay!
So, meet Gemma Lucille Murtagh:
Gemma Lucille Murtagh is 5ft 6, with short grey hair and strikingly dark eyes. She wears finely tailored suits or 'posh frocks' and seems to take great pride in her appearance. Her favourite colours seem to be grey and pink. Those who have the skill to notice such things will observe that her jewellery is all 'real', even though some of it looks more like tasteless 'bling'.
Gemma Lucille Murtagh purports to be the CEO of a company called 'MW Logistics', advertising services in the fields of 'Transport, Personnel and Financing'. She seems to have a lot of confidence in her own abilities and those of her company and is keen to promote her business.
Gemma claims to have only recently returned to Manchester from Eastern Europe. If you pursue this it quickly becomes clear that she has a good grasp on current political situations in the area.
In conversation, Gemma regularly refers to her 'partner', Srebrenka Dragutin, though it's not clear what sort of partnership they share, unless you enquire further. She makes frequent use of her phone; she seems to have a lot of friends and contacts, and is always delighted to make new acquaintances and exchange contact details with people.
The setting for the new Chronicle is a post-civil war era. After terrible losses, the Kindred are starting to look for peace and stability.
In Manchester, the Prince is called Sloan, his Seneschal is Garrett. The city has a fairly balanced population, with the Crone, Carthians and Ordo Dracul all vying for eminence and control. A tentative peace has been established and the first Court proceeded calmly, with people warily exploring the situation.
Labels: Gemma, Gemma Lucille Murtagh, Manchester IoD, new character, roleplaying, Vampire: The Requiem