Who am I ?Currently I am:
Elijah Wood - a male vampire; a pawnbroker and criminal mastermind (LARP)
Bel Petrovicha - a Russian Granny, circus performer and Bear Shaman (LARP)
Lilithai - a part-alien demi-goddess of the Fractured Earth of the far future (tabletop)
Elibettee - an escaped Carribean slave turned pirate. My newest character (tabletop)
I've been many others besides. The highlights are:
Stella Van Der Neer - another vampire, an upholder of the Law, mad as a hatter, all-around weirdo with an invisible friend who was actually 'real' and based on Harvey (LARP)
Lady Leonie Rosamunda Ishtakaan - psionic priestess and swordmistress (LARP)
Krekta - a half-orc librarian (tabletop)
Vana - a dark elf who had a high elf twin (tabletop)
Keira Rosamund - my very first character ever, if I remember rightly. (tabletop)
As regards the
Philosphy of Masquerading (see other posts), the best examples of this would be my two vampire characters, Stella and Elijah, and my first LARP character, Lady Rosamunda. Their purpose and meaning will be elaborated upon elsewhere as this blog expands; that's assuming I feel like sharing, since the Philosphy can take you into very personal space.
I also wish, at this point, to mention some characters whose existence has majorly enhanced my gaming experiences and enabled me to make fullest use of the Philosophy:
Michael BowmanJessie Blackwood
Xavier Luxembourg
Justin and KatherineYou guys know who you are.
The love and friendship of the players of these characters has enhanced my life for all time. Thank you for being everything and everyone you are, and for accepting everything and everyone I am. *BIG HUGS*